Priority: High


  • Needs a veterinary appointment within 12 hours.
  • If it is after hours, closely monitor your cat.
  • If your cat’s condition worsens, seek emergency care.
  • If symptoms change, repeat and revise the Symptom Checker.

Symptom Considerations

  • Vomiting can happen for many different reasons.
  • If the vomiting is persistent and frequent your cat should be evaluated by a veterinarian right away.
  • Dehydration is a concern.
  • Other symptoms can help identify the cause.
  • Please repeat the Pet Health Checker to assess symptoms not already addressed.
  • Some questions to prepare for:
    • When did vomiting begin?
    • How many times has your cat vomited?
    • Have you seen any blood in the vomit?
    • How would you describe the vomit (color, consistency)?
    • What other symptoms have you noticed?
    • Does your cat vomit within 2 minutes of eating or drinking?
  • Your cat may need diagnostic tests like:
    • Blood work
    • X-rays
    • Stool sample examination
    • Abdominal examination
    • Treatments, such as fluids for dehydration, anti-nausea medications
    • Easy to digest food