Priority: High
- Needs a veterinary appointment within 12 hours.
- If it is after hours, closely monitor your cat.
- If your cat’s condition worsens, seek emergency care.
- If symptoms change, repeat and revise the Symptom Checker.
Symptom Considerations
- Blood loss and infection are the main concerns.
- Even if it looks small, cat bites can be deep.
- There will be bacteria in the wound.
- It should be seen by your veterinarian as soon as possible.
- Some questions to prepare for:
- When did the bite happen?
- Have you treated your cat at home?
- Have you given your cat any medication?
- Any odor or discharge from the wound?
- Your veterinarian may:
- Probe and flush the wound to determine the depth
- Make sure there are no foreign objects trapped in it
- Your cat may require:
- Sedation for the procedure
- Bandaging
- Oral medications you will administer at home (pain relievers, antibiotics)