Priority: High
- Needs a veterinary appointment within 12 hours.
- If it is after hours, closely monitor your dog.
- If your dog’s condition worsens, seek emergency care.
- If symptoms change, repeat and revise the Symptom Checker.
Symptom Considerations
- If your dog has trouble breathing, it can quickly become life threatening.
- 2 considerations are:
- Respiratory rate (how many breaths per minute)
- Respiratory effort (how hard it is to breathe)
- Your dog should take between 10 and 30 breaths per minute.
- Look at your dog’s side and count the number of times he breathes in a minute.
- Notice if muscles seem to be working too hard.
- Some questions to prepare for:
- What is your dog's respiratory rate at rest when at home?
- How hard does your dog seem to be breathing?
- Has your dog had breathing problems in the past? When?
- Were the previous incidents similar?
- Does your dog make new noise(s) when breathing - snoring, wheezing, coughing, etc.?
- Your dog may need:
- X-rays
- Blood work
- Oxygen therapy
- Medications to make breathing easier